Dr Tadhg O’Mahony


Dr. O’Mahony is Assistant Professor in Environmental Policy at University College Dublin in Ireland and Adjunct Professor (Docent) in transformative sustainable futures at Finland Futures Research Centre. He is a systems scientist, futurist and ecological economist, working on transformations to sustainable futures. As lecturer, researcher and consultant, he has over 20 years of experience across academic, government and private roles. His docentship is in Futures Research, titled
“Transformative Sustainable Futures: scenarios and foresight of sustainable development.”

He was Research Fellow on Ireland’s Climate Change Assessment (ICCA) at Dublin City University from 2022 to 2023. To the ICCA he brought the expertise in: Transformations, Research Assessment, Sustainable DevelopmentWellbeing and Foresight and future visions. In the ICCA he lead authored the Livelihoods and Economic Development chapters, and coauthored Governance and Policy, the Volume 4 summary and the overall ICCA synthesis report.

Having completed his doctorate in 2010, he is a double Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow, having held fellowships in Finland (2015-2017) and in Spain (2013-2017), and working on projects from Europe to Asia. He has guest lectured widely including at Princeton Environment Institute in the US and at Nanjing University in China.

His research covers analysis, policy and strategy-making. Key themes include: climate action; sustainable development; wellbeing; consumption; ecological and environmental economics; energytransport; and scenario planning and analysis


  • Plenary 3: Where are there tensions and where is there convergence on rethinking growth?